The transition process for Year 6 students who are transitioning from Senior Primary into Year 7 in the Adolescent Program the following year, begins early with all Year 6 families sent a link to the Welcome to the Adolescent Program parent portal. This portal includes a series of videos explaining the Year 7 integrated curriculum and its correlation with Montessori principles as well as testimonial videos from Adolescent students and their parents and an example timetable.

Year 6 parents then attend a Parent Information Evening and Secondary College Tour, where they have the opportunity to meet the Secondary College staff, ask any questions they may have and tour the Secondary College campus.

Toward the end of the year all Year 6 families take part in a Rites of Passage ceremony which includes speeches and videos celebrating each student’s Senior Primary journey as well as a whole school clap out. The Rites of Passage culminates in all Year 6 students attending a trip to Canberra before transitioning to Year 7 in the last week of Term 4. Students will spend the week in their new environment so that they have an opportunity to get to know their Guides and peers and experience their new classrooms and routine before returning to school after the long summer break.

LIMITED spaces are still available for your 3-year-old to join our Early Learning Community in 2025!