Our After School and Holiday Program
We offer after school care during the school term and a holiday program during breaks in the school year.
Children in the early years and primary environments are eligible for the programs, which continue the Montessori philosophy of environments being child centered and child led.
For further details and to book, please use the below contact form or call 0439 695 045
MIC’s After School and Vacation Care Program Conditions:
Program Hours: Our after school program operates during the school terms, Monday to Friday, from end of school, to 6pm. Our Vacation Care Program operates during the College’s holidays from Monday to Friday and on Pupil Free Days from 8am to 6pm. A late fee of $20.00 for the first 10 minutes and $1.00 for every minute after will be charged per child for pick ups after 6pm.
Bookings: To receive your CCB rebate, the booking sheets must be completed in full. Full fees will be charged when all information is not provided. Unfortunately, due to CCMS and time restrictions, we will only be able to provide an approximate fee upon receiving bookings. Full and accurate costs will be sent out once bookings have been entered into the systems. You will be invoiced weekly with the days your child has attended.
Excursions/Incursions: These are extra and compulsory if your child is booked in on the day. You will be notified in advance of these. The costs are added to your fees and separate payment is not required.
Cancellations: Please give at least 24 hours for cancellations unless due to emergency or illness. Please call 0439 695 045.
Food and Drinks: MIC has a healthy eating policy. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Dress: MIC has a sun safe policy and as such children need to bring a hat each day and wear appropriate clothing (no tank, tube or singlet tops). Closed in shoes must be worn every day, this is for the children’s safety.
Please ensure all children’s belongings are clearly labelled with their names.
Mobile Phones, hand held games and other devices: Children are asked not to bring phones or games to the service, unless the program states otherwise. We also ask that they don’t bring games, toys or trading cards. No responsibility will be taken by MIC for lost, damaged or stolen property.
Centrelink Charges: Please be aware that your account balance can change, even after full payment has been made. This can be due to numerous factors but it is most likely due to Centrelink altering your % rebate due to a change in family circumstances such as the difference in declared versus actual earnings. MIC has no control over changes to accounts as a result of Centrelink changes. As a result of these Centrelink charges, MIC may forward you an additional invoice even after full payment of the original invoice has been made. This amount is the different between the original amount based upon the information supplied by Centrelink at the time of the booking and the new amount with any changes to your % rebate applied from Centrelink update.