Why Choose Montessori International College?


Truly personalised learning

Our approach is to personalise, adapt and respond to our students’ needs. Innovative and challenging learning contexts encourage our students to develop their sense of personal agency, and to do and achieve things for themselves. At every stage of development we celebrate discovery and provide opportunities for students to share hypotheses, reflect upon alternatives or reflect upon controversy.

At Montessori International College (MIC) students are empowered with a remarkable degree of autonomy over their own learning journey. Unlike traditional classrooms, where curricula are predetermined, our students are presented with a rich array of hands-on learning materials and opportunities.

They choose their activities based on their interests and individual pace of development, allowing them to delve into subjects they are passionate about and take ownership of their education. This approach not only fosters a sense of independence but also cultivates a genuine love for learning, as students actively engage with the world around them, developing critical thinking skills and a deep curiosity that extends far beyond the classroom.

Student learning at MIC is diverse, cohesive and purposeful. Whether it is investigating the formation of stars, becoming competent in expressing yourself, learning the language of mathematics or music, creating and implementing solutions for effective watershed, or exploring local, regional, and global contexts in the City of Shanghai, a MIC student is immersed in their learning experience and seeks out ways to see the wider world and celebrate its diversity.

Our teachers are our greatest asset

MIC educators are guides and observers who focus on really getting to know your child. In this way, learning can be tailored, and children are nurtured and supported to learn at their own pace. Our Montessori-trained educators, often holding multiple degrees, are highly skilled in responding to the individual needs of their students. They model respect and build long-lasting bonds that enable trust and deep understanding of each student in their care.

Under the guidance and encouragement of their teachers, students at MIC become valuable contributors and directors of their own learning journey.  We remain true to the Montessori approach and believe that at the heart of our learners’ experience is talented teaching that puts the learner in control.

Lifelong friendships begin here

Friendships at MIC are unique and very important to the students. Many of our students commence their learning together at age 3. It’s a bit like being among extended family. The students enjoy close-knit relationships and the social environment is collaborative and inclusive.

More than anything else, it is their caring and supportive friendships that make school life fun and enjoyable. In addition to student friendships, life-long family friendships are formed at MIC.

Within the warm atmosphere of MIC, students make friends easily and develop strong bonds. Their support and care for one another is demonstrated in all that they do. Each year the students express their sense of being valued, that their opinion counts and they enjoy coming to school. These comments confirm the harmony and productivity of their learning environments. Research shows that happy students make successful learners. The well-being of each of our students is always at the forefront of our thinking. An MIC student is not just another face but an individual with a unique personality.

Teachers, students, and parents enjoy an old-fashioned sense of friendship and collaboration. This opportunity for community, stability, and a true sense of community within the school means a great deal to us at MIC. Your child will quickly feel connected to and at home at MIC.

What success looks like at MIC

Montessori education helps children learn how to identify good questions and find their own answers independently. At MIC, success is a student who graduates as a critical thinker, responsible for themselves and others, self-aware, self-directed, and equipped to handle the ever-changing world beyond the College grounds.