Lauren Ellis

International Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy (Early Years) – Montessori Centre International (UK)

Master’s Degree in Primary Teaching – University of the Sunshine Coast

B-Tech Somatology; Cert in Child Day Care; Cert Stage 2 Montessori Theory and Methodology Early Childhood Course; NCCD Disability Standards for Education for Junior Secondary

Why are you involved with Montessori education?

I was introduced to Maria Montessori’s approach to teaching at the age of 16, this shaped my view on learning. I strongly believe that children are at the centre of their learning as they share and communicate their ideas. Working collaboratively to problem-solve, explore ideas and clarify their understanding.

What year did you commence at MIC?


How would you describe what you do?

I offer children opportunities to develop their potential so they may step out into the world as competent, responsible, and respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation for lifelong learning.

What’s your favourite thing about your role?

I love that I get to spend my day with young individuals who are full of curiosity and a love for life.

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